Milk chocolate, ginger & lime pie

Milk chocolate, ginger & lime pie

03 November 2021

A new chocolate pie recipe, but with a little touch of originality this time, since I added ginger and a little lime. The recipe is very easy, an almond dough and a ganache and it's done! The important thing in this tart is to use a milk chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa (I used Valrhona's Bahibé with 46% cocoa) to have a result that is not too sweet 😊
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Prep time : 35 minutes + 20 minutes cooking
 For 6 to 8 servings :

 Almond dough :

1 egg (50g)
 60g butter
 90g powdered sugar
 30g almond powder
 160g flour
 50g cornstarch
 Zest of half a lime
Mix the butter with the powdered sugar, the zests and the almond powder.
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tarte vanille caramel 2

 When the mixture is homogeneous, add the egg and then the flour and cornstarch.

tarte vanille caramel 3


tarte vanille caramel 4

 Mix quickly to obtain a homogeneous ball, then wrap the dough and put it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
 Then, roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 to 3 mm, put it in your circle, then put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours (or in the freezer for 30 minutes).

tarte chocolat gingembre citron 1

 Then bake the pie dough at 170°C for about 20 minutes (the pastry should be golden brown), then let it cool.

Milk chocolate, ginger and lime ganache :

 360g of milk chocolate with a minimum of 40% cocoa 
 165g full cream 
 9g fresh ginger
 Zest of a lime 
 Melt the chocolate. 
Heat the cream with the finely chopped ginger, then pour it over the chocolate, stirring after each addition.
 tarte chocolat gingembre citron 2

 Add the lime zest (setting aside some for decoration) and then blend the ganache in a hand blender.

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 Pour it immediately into the cooled tart shell, then let it crystallize (if possible at room temperature, otherwise remember to take it out of the fridge at least 45 minutes before eating, the tart will taste much better when it is not cold). 
 When the ganache has crystallized, add some zests and enjoy!

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