Apple, cinnamon & maple syrup bundt cake - Halloween

Apple, cinnamon & maple syrup bundt cake - Halloween

04 November 2021

Price: Cheap

A pretty, easy-to-make cake that's perfect for fall (and without chocolate, which is rare enough to note) is today's program! An apple, cinnamon (optional of course), maple syrup and pecan (which you can also substitute with walnuts or almonds) cake that I baked in a bundt cake pan but you can use any pan you like 😊

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 Prep time : 30 minutes + about 1 hour cooking 
 For 10/12 servings : 


The cake : 

 260g flour
6g baking powder
1 pinch of salt
5g cinnamon powder
3 eggs 
130g butter 
120g muscovado sugar (or brown sugar if you don't have it)
80g caster sugar
40g maple syrup 
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract 
2 apples 
100g pecans

 Melt the butter and let it cool.
Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon.

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 Whisk the eggs with the sugars and maple syrup, then add the butter and vanilla.

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 Pour the dry ingredients into the previous mixture and mix well. Finally, cut the apples into small cubes and chop the pecans, then add them to the cake batter.

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 Pour into a buttered and floured pan and bake for about 55 minutes at 165°C (the blade of a knife stuck in the cake should come out dry). Let it cool.

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The icing :

 70g maple syrup 
25g butter 
145g powdered sugar 
25g pecans for decoration

 Warm the butter with the maple syrup until it is melted.

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 Add the sifted powdered sugar, mix well, then pour the icing over the cake on a wire rack. Decorate with pecans, let crystallize and enjoy! 

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