Chocolate & hazelnut spread

Chocolate & hazelnut spread

14 February 2022

Tomorrow is Chandeleur, and if there is a recipe for crêpes for a long time on my blog, I had not yet published a spread recipe! So I made this chocolate-hazelnut spread with Piedmont hazelnuts, Bahiné 46% milk chocolate from Valrhona (to avoid a too sweet effect), powdered sugar, fleur de sel and finally hazelnut oil for texture and taste. In short, 5 ingredients to fill your crêpes in the best way tomorrow. So here we go, get out your blender and before long you'll be able to feast 😊
 pate a tartiner 3
 Prep time : 30 to 40 minutes according to your food processor + a few hours rest
 For one large jar of spread:


Ingredients :

 250g hazelnuts
 75g powdered sugar
 150g milk chocolate with at least 40% cocoa
 75g hazelnut oil (or neutral oil such as sunflower or grape seed)
1 teaspoon of fleur de sel

Recipe :

 Roast the hazelnuts for 15 to 20 minutes in the oven preheated to 150°C, then let them cool. 
 Mix them with the powdered sugar until you get a smooth paste. Then add the melted chocolate and mix again. Finally, pour in the hazelnut oil little by little (like a mayonnaise), mixing constantly to emulsify the mixture. If you wish, you can add hazelnut chips, crêpes dentelles or crunchy pearls at this point to have a spread with more texture. Stir in the fleur de sel, then pour the spread into a jar. Let it firm up for a few hours at room temperature (or in the fridge if you're in a hurry), then enjoy!
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