Marbled chocolate & hazelnut flan

Marbled chocolate & hazelnut flan

07 March 2022

New week, new flan! This time a chocolate & hazelnut marbled flan, without eggs, both firm and creamy, and well flavored to delight everyone! I decided to make it with a chocolate & hazelnut marbled crust but you can very well make a classic crust or even a puff pastry to have a 100% egg-free dessert 😊

flan marbre choco noisette 12
 Prep time : 40 minutes + 1h05 cooking + rest
 For a 18cm diameter and 6cm high flan:


Hazelnut & cocoa dough :

 60g butter
 90g powdered sugar
 30g hazelnut powder
 1 egg
 155g flour
 50g cornstarch
 15g cocoa powder
Mix the butter with the powdered sugar and the hazelnut powder.
 tarte chantilly croustillante 1
 When the mixture is homogeneous, add the egg and then the flour and cornstarch.
 tarte chantilly croustillante 2
 tarte chantilly croustillante 3
 Divide the dough into two equal pieces, then add the cocoa to one of the two doughs.
 tarte chantilly croustillante 4
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 Mix quickly to get a homogeneous ball, then wrap the dough and put it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
Then, spread small pieces of dough lengthwise on about 5mm thick and alternate the hazelnut and cocoa doughs.
 flan marbre choco noisette 1
 Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2mm, and cut 6cm wide strips for the edges of the flan.
 flan marbre choco noisette 2
 Roll out the scraps and use them for the flan base.
 flan marbre choco noisette 3
 Place the dough in the refrigerator overnight. Then, pre-bake it for a few minutes at 170°C.

Marbled flan with hazelnut & chocolate :

 500g milk (I used half hazelnut milk and half cow milk)
 250g full cream (1)
 1 tablespoon of vanilla flavoring 
 60g cornstarch
 10g flour 
 200g full cream (2)
 150g sugar
 1 tablespoon hazelnut puree (optional)
80g milk chocolate 40% cocoa 
 20g dark chocolate 70% cocoa
 Heat the milk with the cream (1) and vanilla. 
Mix the cornstarch and flour and pour the hot liquid over it.
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 flan marbre choco noisette 5
 Return to the pan and cook over medium heat, whisking constantly until thickened. 
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 Remove from heat, then add the cold cream (2). Then add the sugar.
 flan marbre choco noisette 7
 Take 1/3 of the cream, and incorporate the chocolates in it; in 2/3 of the cream, add the hazelnut puree if you want to intensify the taste.
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 Pour the creams alternately into the pre-baked pastry, then bake the flan for 50 minutes in the preheated oven at 180°C.
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 Let cool completely before unmolding and enjoy!
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