Yogurt & yogurt cake (glutenfree)

Yogurt & yogurt cake (glutenfree)

08 March 2022

It's soon the return of spring fruits and therefore of fruity recipes, but in the meantime we can always enjoy other flavors! Here with chestnut cream, which I used in a fluffy yogurt cake, gluten free and very easy to make.

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 Prep time : 15 minutes + 30 minutes cooking + cooling
 For a cake of 18cm of diameter:


Ingredients :

 3 eggs
 30g sugar
 1 teaspoon of vanilla flavoring
 370g whole plain yogurt (I used a 20% fat one)
75g cornstarch
 80g chestnut cream

Recipe :

 Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla until the mixture whitens, puffs and thickens.
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 Add the sifted cornstarch, then the yogurt and the chestnut cream.
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 Next, beat the egg whites until stiff, then quickly add them to the previous mixture, being careful not to overmix. If there are small pieces of white left, it's not a big deal.
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 Pour into a buttered mold or circle sprinkled with cornstarch, then immediately place in the preheated oven at 180°C for 35 to 40 minutes, then turn off the oven and slighty open the door to let it cool gently for an hour.
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 Finally, take the cake out of the oven, unmold it and enjoy!
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