Rapsberry & white chocolate cookies

Rapsberry & white chocolate cookies

16 July 2022

A new cookie recipe, but this time summer cookies since they are filled with fresh raspberries! With white chocolate for me, but if you prefer the combination of raspberries with dark chocolate, feel free to substitute it 😊 Other than that, the recipe is all classic, and will be perfect if you're looking for cookies that are crispy outside and soft inside!
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 Prep time : 20 minutes + 15 minutes cooking
 For about 15 cookies :


Ingredients :

 200g softened butter
 100g muscovado sugar
 75g caster sugar
 1 egg
 350g flour T55
 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate
 175g raspberries (+ about 50g for decoration)
 300g white chocolate

Recipe :

 Mix the butter with the sugars.
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 Add the egg, emulsify well.
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 Add the flour and baking soda, then the white chocolate (keeping some for decoration).
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 Finish by adding the 175g of raspberries and mix quickly.
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 Form the dough into balls and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Then crush them lightly on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and add raspberry and white chocolate pieces.
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 Bake in the preheated oven at 190°C for 15 minutes. When you take out of the oven, add white chocolate chips and raspberries again.
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 Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet before enjoying!
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John - 24 July 2022
Hi, Is the muscovado sugar light or dark muscovado sugar?
Helle 24 July 2022
I believe is soft brown sugar , otherwise would be too dark
John 25 July 2022
Brown sugar is different from muscovado

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