Spéculos flan

Spéculos flan

25 January 2023

It's been a long time, a new flan! This time flavored with speculos, and if you wish you can even add a little cinnamon for a stronger taste. The recipe is totally eggless, I was inspired by Karim Bourgi's flan, the texture is a little less creamy than a usual flan but the absence of egg also makes it lighter 😊

 flan speculos 12
 Prep time : 35 minutes + 1h10 cooking + cooling down
 For a 18cm diameter and 6cm high flan:

 Reconstituted speculos:

 250g speculos
 90g butter
 1 pinch of salt
 Mix the speculos, add the melted butter and salt.
 flan speculos 1
 flan speculos 2
 Spread the mixture obtained in the circle lined with parchment paper, pressing the bottom and the edges well.

 flan speculos 3
 Bake for 10 minutes at 180°C.
 Speculos cream:

 500g whole milk
 500g liquid cream with 30 or 35% fat content
 55g cornstarch 
 10g flour 
 80g sugar 
280g speculos paste 
 Cinnamon powder (optional)
 Heat the milk with the cream (and cinnamon if you add it). Separately, mix the cornstarch and flour, then pour the hot liquid over it little by little, mixing well. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan, then thicken over medium heat, whisking continuously. Remove from the heat and add the speculos paste.
 flan speculos 4
 flan speculos 5
 Stir the resulting cream until no more steam escapes from the cream, then add the sugar and stir again. Cover the cream and chill it in the refrigerator, then pour it into the mould. 
 flan speculos 6
 Bake in the oven for 50 to 55 minutes at 170°C and then let cool completely before enjoying!
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